Zeno Mini
Low heat acne clearing device
For many of us acne can be a frustrating, unsightly experience. There is an entire industry devoted to preempting acne and getting rid of the pimples that pop up at the most inopportune times. Now there is a technology that can stop a pimple in its tracks and take hours not days to make them go away. Zeno applies heat to destroy the bacteria that lives inside a pimple. No chemicals or magic serums needed.
Development Strategy, Product Design, Product Engineering, Innovation Management, Manufacturing Support
Industrial Design, User Experience, Mechanical Engineering, Firmware, Electrical Engineering

Primetime Recast
Zeno Corporation had developed their first device and was experiencing a 60% service rate because customers did not understand the UI. The design also didn’t resonate with women, Zeno’s primary demographic. Working with Zeno Corporation, Product Creation Studio (PCS) worked to develop an entirely new architecture with meaningful new features like a more compact ergonomic shape for women’s hands, easy to understand treatment gauge, streamlined start up and a fashion conscious, beautiful new design.
Dev Partner
The result was a product platform that enabled Zeno Corporation to launch a global campaign and drive into new stores and markets. PCS went on to become a critical development partner for Zeno Corp., developing two other FDA-approved Class 1 medical devices while making key technical improvements to platform performance and reliability, while driving first-cost by 60%.