Tech Product Design for Groove Watch & App, A Wearable Experience — Product Creation Studio

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Groove Watch & App
A wearable experience redefining digital motivation

Workout technology and style changes daily it seems but one thing remains constant, how to stay motivated for your work out and keep it stylish?  Product Creation Studio worked with fresh start-up, Grove Tec to solve these questions.  Our team developed a unique hardware and interface experience around the idea of a personal fitness assistant, one that would help users meet their fitness goals through social network accountability all while looking great from gym to board room.     


Development Strategy, Product Design, Product Engineering


Industrial Design, User Experience


Creating a Motivating Experience

PCS explored ideas for a hybrid wearable experience that is motivating at the gym and all style about the town, with your social network constantly by your side to help you achieve your goals.  Those efforts created the Groove Watch + App.  To make this idea work, group motivation had to be understood in context to a social network.  PCS dug in to how and why social networks positively affect participation and found that personal friends and contacts have deeper impact on accountability for personal health goals.  Designed to work with user's mobile device, the MotivEngine app contextualizes user health info catered to the users lifestyle. Groove is the hybrid personal assistant, health advisor, and support community portal that motivates, inspires and makes commitment to fitness fun and engaging. 

Visualizing the Concept

PCS developed a complete system concept for the hybrid watch and app.  This effort enabled Grove Tec to evaluate the value proposition of their concept, preparing them for funding negotiations.