AI in Healthcare Diagnostics: Empowering Clinicians, Enhancing Patient Care

AI has been impacting diagnostic devices for some time. Where do we go from here? Image generated via Ideogram

The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare diagnostics is ushering in a new era of personalized medicine, promising to revolutionize how we detect, diagnose, and treat diseases. At a recent DeviceConnect panel, hosted by Life Science Washington, Product Creation Studio and Wilson Sonsini, industry leaders gathered to discuss the transformative potential of AI in healthcare diagnostics. From non-invasive glucose monitoring to AI-augmented ultrasound imaging, the panelists shared insights into cutting-edge technologies and the challenges that lie ahead.

The DeviceConnect panel from left to right Scott Thielman, PCS; Nitin Baliga, Institute for Systems Biology; Ron Erickson, Know Labs; Joe Victor, Rarecyte; Tobin Taylor-Bhatia, Philips Ultrasound

DeviceConnect panel included (from left) Scott Thielman, PCS; Nitin Baliga, Institute for System Biology; Ron Erickson, Know Labs; Joe Victor, RareCyte; Tobin Taylor-Bhatia, Philips Ultrasound.

The Current State of AI in Medical Devices

While AI has recently captured public imagination, it has been a part of healthcare solutions for decades. Scott Thielman, CTO of Product Creation Studio, highlighted that the first FDA-approved device incorporating machine learning dates back to 1995 - the PAPNET Testing System for automated screening of cervical Pap smears. Fast forward to mid-2024, and the FDA has authorized 950 AI/ML-enabled medical devices for marketing in the United States.

This rapid growth, shown in Figure 1, underscores the healthcare industry's readiness to embrace AI as a means to maximize the impact of expert attention - a precious resource in medical care. As we delve deeper into the applications discussed by our panelists, it becomes clear that AI is not just an add-on but an integral part of next-generation diagnostic tools.

Figure 1: Growth of FDA-approved AI/ML-enabled medical devices from 1995 to 2024. Data source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2024).

Systems Biology and Personalized Medicine

Dr. Nitin Baliga, SVP & Director at the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), shared his vision of hyper-personalized medicine enabled by AI and systems biology. The core idea is that no two patients are alike, especially in complex diseases like cancer. By leveraging AI to analyze vast biological networks, researchers at ISB are paving the way for treatment plans as unique as a patient's DNA.

Dr. Baliga emphasized the potential of using AI to decode information from immune cells circulating in the blood. These cells act as the body's surveillance system, potentially carrying early signs of disease before conventional diagnostics can detect them. However, he also cautioned against the blind use of "black box" AI models in medicine, stressing the importance of interpretable results that can be validated by domain experts.

 “…Systems biology essentially helps you map the networks that drive an individual patient's cancer and how that network changes over time.  So my personal vision, that kind of an approach is critical  for making both prognostic assessments of risk of patients' disease progression and making a predictive assessment of what treatments are likely to work.” - Dr. Nitin Baliga, SVP & Director at the Institute for Systems Biology, explaining the impact of systems biology

Non-Invasive Diagnostics: Beyond the Needle

Ron Erickson, CEO of Know Labs, presented an exciting development in non-invasive diagnostics - a wearable device capable of measuring glucose levels without breaking the skin. This technology, which uses radio frequency spectroscopy and AI, could revolutionize diabetes management by providing continuous glucose monitoring without the pain and inconvenience of traditional methods.

Erickson's vision extends beyond glucose monitoring. He outlined a future where multiple analytes could be measured non-invasively, enabling predictive health monitoring. This approach could shift healthcare from reactive to proactive, potentially catching diseases before symptoms appear.

“It came about as a function of invention, we started imagining that we could do glucose. We started using photonics…but it’s inhibited by melanin…skin thickness, BMI. So we said let’s go further up the spectrum and we started getting great results…” - Ron Erickson, CEO of Know Labs, explaining the inventive process that led to the KnowU technology

AI-Augmented Imaging: Democratizing Expertise

Tobin Taylor-Bhatia, Head of Research & Development for Ultrasound at Philips, discussed how AI is transforming medical imaging, particularly in ultrasound. The goal is not to replace clinicians but to augment their capabilities, enabling less experienced practitioners to gather and interpret diagnostic information more effectively.

One exciting application is in fetal health monitoring. AI-enhanced ultrasound could help midwives in resource-limited settings make more informed decisions about maternal and fetal health, potentially improving outcomes in areas where specialist care is scarce.

Taylor-Bhatia also highlighted Philips' work on a point-of-care lung visualization tool, developed in partnership with BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority). This AI-powered tool aims to improve the diagnosis of respiratory conditions, a particularly relevant development in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“For us it is knowing how we take the technology and utilize it across many, many different parts of the body…How do we take that imaging and actually propel it through as many use cases as possible. How do we make it as accessible and affordable as we can so we can essentially reach every patient on Earth.” - Tobin Taylor-Bhatia, Head of Research & Development for Ultrasound at Philips describing how intelligence in their technology can expand access to healthcare

Rare Cell Detection and Spatial Biology

Joe Victor, President & CEO of RareCyte, shared insights into how AI is advancing the field of rare cell detection and analysis. RareCyte's technology can identify and analyze individual cells from a blood sample, a capability that has significant implications for cancer diagnostics and monitoring.

Victor revealed that RareCyte has been using machine learning in their instruments for nearly a decade, demonstrating that AI is already deeply integrated into many life science tools. He also highlighted the growing importance of spatial biology - the ability to analyze multiple biomarkers in a single tissue sample. This approach, enabled by AI, could provide a more comprehensive understanding of disease processes and help in developing more targeted therapies.

“We are enabling personalized or precision medicine…operating on blood that’s been processed with our sample prep, and also on tissues, and all with the theme of high-multiplex…analysis primarily looking at protein biomarkers.” - Joe Victor, President & CEO of RareCyte, describing what their instruments offer clinicians and researchers partially enabled by AI

Rare Cell Detection and Spatial Biology

While the potential of AI in healthcare diagnostics is immense, the panelists also discussed several challenges that need to be addressed:

  1. Data Access and Quality: Dr. Baliga emphasized the need for large, well-curated datasets to train AI models effectively. However, obtaining such data can be difficult due to privacy regulations and the high costs associated with data collection and maintenance.

  2. Regulatory Hurdles: Erickson pointed out that regulations like HIPAA, while important for patient privacy, can hinder data sharing and slow down innovation. He suggested that these regulations may need to be revisited to balance privacy concerns with the need for data access in the AI era.

  3. Global Health Equity: Taylor-Bhatia highlighted the importance of ensuring that AI-enhanced diagnostics benefit not just developed nations but also resource-limited settings. This goal requires considering factors like cost, ease of use, and adaptability to different healthcare systems.

  4. Interpretability and Validation: All panelists stressed the importance of developing AI systems that can explain their decision-making process, especially in healthcare where the stakes are high and clinician trust is crucial.

  5. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The panel itself demonstrated the need for collaboration across disciplines. Combining expertise in medicine, biology, engineering, and data science will be crucial for advancing AI in healthcare diagnostics.

The Future of AI in Healthcare Diagnostics

Looking ahead, the panelists envisioned a future where AI-enabled diagnostics could:

  1. Detect diseases earlier and more accurately

  2. Enable truly personalized treatment plans

  3. Make advanced diagnostics more accessible globally

  4. Shift healthcare towards prevention rather than just treatment

  5. Accelerate drug discovery and development

The DeviceConnect panel showcased the exciting potential of AI in healthcare diagnostics while also highlighting the complex challenges that lie ahead. As we move forward, it's clear that realizing the full potential of AI in healthcare will require not just technological innovation, but also careful consideration of ethical, regulatory, and societal implications.

Seattle, with its unique ecosystem of tech giants, world-class research institutions, and innovative healthcare companies, is well-positioned to lead this transformation. By fostering collaboration between tech innovators and healthcare experts, we can work towards a future where AI-enhanced diagnostics improve health outcomes for people around the world.


U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2024, August 7). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML)-Enabled Medical Devices. Retrieved August 28, 2024, from

Scott Thielman